Career Growth

Make yourself say Thank God it’s Monday

Do you celebrate ‘Thank God it’s Monday’ day, the first Monday of January every year? That would be the only Monday you thank God. Ever thought why that is so? Is it just because you want to carry over your Sunday wallowing in bed to Monday? Or is the reason much deeper? Maybe you don’t want to go back to a boring job. Don’t want to deal with your pompous boss. Don’t want to sweat for that measly pay you get at the end of the month.

But you and many others like you still go to work anyway, cursing that poor animal called Monday.  I often ask people why they continue to work in a place that they seem to dread like hell. They usually hem and haw but give no real answer. They know why they’re not leaving. They just don’t want to admit it – admit that when it comes to looking for a job, they’re plain lazy. Well, all those people and you too, have hope. Because job search has become easier than ever before, with LinkedIn. Yes, you can easily find a job even today, when doomsayers are saying that our economy has started err….. going to the dogs.

Let’s start with the simplest way of finding a job, where you don’t have to do a thing other than log in to LinkedIn. Your profile is already there. LinkedIn matches requirements mentioned in the site’s job posts and shows you suitable jobs. And if you mention your preferred location, company size and industry, you will receive an even more customized job display. Cool, ain’t it?

Have you set your heart on working in ABC Company where your friend (who is also your LinkedIn connection) works? How will you get to know that the company has a suitable vacancy? Well, the LinkedIn Jobs page displays the list of companies where your LinkedIn connections work and the current job requirements they have. So if ABC Company has job vacancies, they will be displayed on your LinkedIn page. Find a job that suits your profile? Apply right away. And don’t forget to ask your friend in the company for a referral. There isn’t a suitable job? Bide your time. Your day will come. Want to search for a job the way it’s usually done? Go to the Jobs tab, fill in the keywords, preferred location, company, title etc. and find suitable jobs.

Use any or all of these ways and be sure to find the job of your dreams. A job that makes you jump out of bed every Monday morning and makes you say ‘Thank God it’s Monday’. And please please don’t blindly grab the first job you find. Don’t compromise. Choose carefully. You don’t want to go back to dreading Mondays, do you?

Have awsome Monday’s by  updating your LinkedIn profile . It will cost you less than $100 . Yes just $97. Click here to know more
