Gantt chart in excel

Subject Line Gantt chart is the perfect graphical tool for your project Overview Sometimes you may need to track the progress of the project from start to finish. A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart used in project management as a tool to visualize progress. Working You have data below for sequential steps for building a website along

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Advanced filter complex criteria

Subject Line Use Advanced Filter for simplification of complex search Overview Sometimes you have filter data based on multiple and complex criteria. With the help of advanced filter you can filter data based on complex criteria. This works as a SEO or search engine which searches on multiple criteria. Working Let’s understand the working of

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Create combination chart

Subject Line Combo offer for charts Overview Sometimes you may have to show different type of information on a single chart. You will have to combine two or more charts in a single chart. We can use Combo chart in excel to create such charts. It is like a combo offer where you can enjoy

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Custom Grouping in Pivot Table

Working Let’s take an example of Sales information which looks as below. We want to summarize sales amount by Screen size by grouping products by Large Display, Small Display & Others. Step 1: Select the Sales table from A1 to G25 Step 2: Go to INSERT Tab Step 3: Click on Pivot Table Step 4:

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